"Maruti" (meaning son of "Marut"/wind or 'of the wind')
Name given by relatives :
"Anjaneya" (meaning son of "Anjana"- mother's name)
Name given by God's :
"Hanuman" (Hanu meaning chin / jaw) after an incident related to an attack on the chin. (explained later on)
Species :
"Vaanar" - A species with a blend of human like intellect and ape like strength. This species was particularly created by Brahma for the specific purpose of defeating Ravan (demon lord) and associated demons in war. Vaanar (half ape-half man) as explained in ancient texts were a breed of creatures who lived for a few generations and this was planned for. This special breed had birth connections to Demi Gods, but were born of the womb of their own species. This is the reason for their amazing capabilities. Some could jump over large water bodies, some were extremely intellegent (more than humans), some had amazing martial skills, but one thing all of them had in common was super strength and courage which would be required to defeat demons.
Biological Father's name :
Kesari (An earthling Vaanar king)
Biological Mother's name :
Anjana (An earthling Vaanar queen)
Position :
Prince in search of Lord Ram to serve him rather than rule his kingdom.
Father in Heaven (DemiGod connection):
Marut / Pawan - Wind / Air God
Thus also reffered to as "Pawan-putra" (meaning Wind's son)
(Note : All earthlings have a connection to heavenly Gods, ruling elements, planets,etc)
Age :
Immortal - is still believed to show himself from time to time. Many poets and devotees have recorded accounts of their experiences. (explained later on)
Marital Status :
Brahmachari (those who practice celibacy and remain single by choice)
Avatar / incarnation of :
Shiva / Mahadev
Crossing an ocean by flying across it,
Lifting a mountain, flying with it, and bringing it to save Lakshman's life
Killing massive demons,
Saving captured planetary deities,
Being Ram's messenger to his wife Sita and vice versa too,
Helping countless humans, vaanars, gods, animals in small ways,
Always worshipping Lord Ram
Releasing many souls trapped in monster's bodies as a curse
Being Lord Ram's greatest devotee
Burning Lanka with tail on fire
Breaking the egos of many demons and even demigods.
Gulping the sun
... many more...

Strengths & Super Powers :
Almost everything one can dream of, no earthling has ever had so many powers.
- Can fly being son of "Marut"
- Can disguise in any form
- Can increase or decrease in size (gulped the sun as a kid thinking of it as a heavenly fruit)
- Incomparable super duper strength, (thus also the provider of strength)
- Can recognize evil, ghosts and negative spirits, demons etc hidden in various forms
- Can make his tail as long as he wants
- Can reach any realm (heaven, earth, hell, nakshatra, other lok's / realms)
- Immortality / Mortality by choice
- Many other powers; He can almost do all that Shiva can do. Only difference is that Shiva being prime consciousness only has to wish and it's done, and Hanuman, his avataar, being an earthling, has to physically gain and then use these powers.
Hanuman burning Lanka city (present day in Sri Lanka which was taken over by demons) with his tail which the demons set on fire not knowing that it can grow immensely long and Hanuman has a boon that he can't be burnt. |
So how does he gain all these amazing powers ?
These powers have been given to him by various Devas (Demi-Gods). After he had gulped the sun thinking of it as a heavenly fruit, in his kiddish innocence, the various Devas who didn't know who he really was, fought with him in desperation when this adamant boy wouldn't take the sun out. When no regular powers would work against this avatar of Shiva, Indra(the king of Devas) had to forcefully use his most powerful lightning weapon - "Bajr" to attack on the kid's chin("Hanu"), thus the name Hanuman, which made him unconscious. This annoyed Wind God as Hanuman was his son, and he in his anger started pulling out earth's air supply. When creatures started choking to death, the other God's pleaded and promised to get back the child to consciousness. When they understood that this kid was none other than Shiva incarnate, and was here for a special purpose, they decided to give the boy many special boons themselves including immortality and a tough body like "Bajr"- Indra's weapon.
So devotees also call him Bajr-ang-bali (Bajr - body - strength)
Other than that he is:
Calm & composed, quite enlightened, very loving and caring, very helpful, among the top ranks of devotees of Ram, and he is worshiped and loved because of his devotion as well.
Weaknesses :
A curse that he would forget all his super powers when required the most unless someone reminds him. This curse was given to child Hanuman by his teacher. After his new found powers from the various Devas, he became notorious, like all kids would, and started being a nuisance in his school, troubling classmates and other teachers using his powers. So his Guru got angry and gave him this curse one day. But since his powers were necessary for the purpose he was born to complete, the Guru later calmed down and gave an antidote, which was that someone would have to remind him about his powers at that point when its needed.
Purpose of Birth :
Shiva incarnated as Hanuman to aid the process of killing of Ravan and associates, and to establish a new direction of selfless service and devotion.
Hanuman is believed to be the 11th avataar of Shiva / Rudra. Since Shiva loves Vishnu and Vishnu loves Shiva incomparably, since both phenomenon cannot exist without each other, their avataars also find the same affection. So When Vishnu incarnated as Ram (Vishnu's 7th avatar), Shiva incarnated as Hanuman, who since childhood was searching for his worshipped one - Ram, and was totally devoted to him since birth. Ram on the other hand is known to be a great devotee of Shiva himself.
Ram and Hanuman's story is available everywhere, but I want to talk on the essence of Hanuman.
Devotees apply Kum Kum, red powder to idols of Hanuman |
Hanuman is seen as the greatest devotee of all time. It is said, that if one has to find examples of devotion, there's no one better than the Vanar called Hanuman. Inspite of being a prince himself, his utter love for Ram led him to follow him wherever he went out of his own will, he did not marry so that he could find all the time to serve his lord. Hanuman, lovingly followed his Lord Ram's teachings and displayed examples of innocent affection many times in his stories.
Example 1 : One day when Ram's wife Sita was applying Kum Kum (a red powder) on her forehead, Hanuman asked her what was this red powder and why was she applying it. Hanuman did not know that all married women in Vedic culture apply it as a sign of marriage. Sita, instead of heavy explanation of customs, lovingly told him that she applies it because Lord Ram likes it. Thinking of that, Hanuman simply & innocently thought that he should also apply the same if his Lord Ram loves it, so he applied it to his whole body and came to show his lord of what he's done. Inspite of everyone laughing at him in his funny red skin, Ram saw the immense love in this devotee's heart, who did not once think of what people would think of him if he goes in King Ram's court like that. His love was like that of a child.
Example 2 : On one occassion, Hanuman, when asked what gift he would give Ram, he embedded his claws in his chest and tore open his skin, smiling. While others in the court were aghast at what he had done, Ram & Sita saw as if their images were being shown from inside his chest. This was another miracle by the Shiva incarnate as an earthling.
Ram considers him a brother, but he wishes to stay a servant of the Lord.
He refused to go with Ram and others to heaven after death. He wanted to stay on earth even when he was getting a chance to attain Moksha after death. Why? He said - Till the time people chant the name of Ram on earth, I will feel it. I will stay on earth and would like to sense all the prayer in the name of my Lord Ram. That was his love and devotion that he would not get tired of living so long, doing nothing but meditating in the name of Ram and as long as he would hear prayers of people in the name of Ram.
Hanuman is the epitome of devotion in Hinduism, the master of devotees, and his story inspires and thus is also loved by everyone. He is worshipped and invoked in rituals for strength and removing evil forces, for courage and protection of loved ones. Hanuman is the symbol of composed strength with virtue and love. Hanuman also has various forms like all other Gods and Godesses. He is worshiped as a phenomenon(the remover or evils) and also as a deity.
Panchmukhi Hanuman - A form of the divine incarnate of Shiva. |
Read more about Hanuman's stories to knw that in Hinduism / Vedic culture, Hanuman is more than just respected. In fact, being Shiva himself, his mantra and rituals are used to ward off negative energy also.
This is the essence of Hanuman...
TAGS : Hinduism, Hindu, Vedic, om, India, Veda, ancient, natural, Brahma, Hindusthaan, Idol, worship, Philosophy, avataar, body, consciousness, devotee, devotion, existence, hanuman, idol, images, learning, love, meditation, mind, moksha, religious, shiva, soul, tribals, vedas, vishnu, you, Diversity, Harmony, Kaali, Kali, One, Polytheism, Unity, Unity in Diversity, belief, brain, communal, communities, competition, demon, dessert, education, experiment, eyes, food, forest, goddess, happy, indigenous, karma, lakshman, lakshmi, laws, living, loving, me, nirvana, ornament, love, our, pantheism, parvati, people, powers, prosperous, ram, ravan, rebirth, reincarnation, religare, religion, sage, saint, saraswati, save, search, shakti, share, sita, society, soul, searching, still, trinity, us, we, world, worship