There are so many registered religions across the planet. This post is especially targeted towards the mindsets which practice the race in number of followers through conversion. I have noticed, that whenever I see a clipping in newspapers on tension between different faiths(Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews, etc), I never see the word "religion" written. It says - "Communal Tension" or "Communal Violence".
But on the other hand, another term - "Religious Communities" is used to segregate people of a certain kind of belief from those of other beliefs. So even if they are siblings, they can be of different religions, depending upon various factors. Therefore it definitely is not something that is biological or geographical in nature. It is something that just came into existence, and definitely out of a motive. Most of the self righteous, conversion fanatic religions, are actually the youngest belief systems with their own set of rules and laws.
It seems very political to me as natural communities and belief structures always have their core values straightened out, and they are pretty much the same and are used as philosophy rather than to frighten people, and then there comes a class of people with dogma in their hands, which makes others uncomfortable. The dogma constantly needs to be explained and re structured in words to make people believe it. That shouldn't be the way if it was the word of God, particularly when God constantly keeps asking people to fear Him.
The Vedic texts indicate that fear never brings love and respect, it only brings animosity and jealousy.
Here are some conclusions I have come to as to why and how religions came about to be.
Note : Vedic culture (Hindu, Buddhist, etc) is a way of life, not a dogmatic religion.
The Oxford Dictionary gives this definition of religion :
I would say that its quite a modified, twisted definition.
The word "religion" is a derivative of the Latin word "religo/religare," meaning "to bind".
This was later interpreted as, binding yourself to worship of one true God. But the Latin word probably wasn't developed thinking that way. It quite literally meant - "to bind". Thus I don't see religion any where close to God or spirituality. Spirituality attracts and enlightens, it certainly does not bind.
I have witnessed some conversion techniques. The argument given is that - "It is the right way", "We need to show you the right way", "We know better than you", "You are going astray", "This is God's will" etc. This is almost always followed by an emotional tearing down of confidence and mocking of beliefs of the victim. But then that's only an argument.
The real reason for conversion is greed of economic and political power through subjugation. Religion ensures both. I mean, if a person has certain beliefs, that's good; but why would he/she propose to dictate the same to others as law. Yes, that's right. Dogmas are laws, do's and don'ts without the explanation of Why? How? What? They say that the laws if followed will take the believers to heaven, not that if they are kind and nice to all, then that is supposed to happen.
Communities have always existed everywhere as a group survival tactic. Communal diversity is very natural in animals and humans. It is primarily the development of a society in a particular place with a certain resources. There used to be a time when all communities around the world used to behave and act naturally harmonizing with their surroundings. The dessert dwellers acted according to their habitat, the forest dwellers according to theirs. Even towns, villages and civilizations that were created in the same places, people's eating and clothing habbits, ornaments and traditions, rituals and cultures, depended on the climate, food sources, water availability, soil fertility, etc.
Such indigenous people still exist, but can be seen only among the tribals and forest dwellers away from the modern civilization. They have maintained their ingenuity and belief structure till this day, probably because of their non materialistic ways, shyness and simple minds, who know no shame, no fear, and no regrets, who live free and treat men, women and nature equally.
Rudyard Kipling's poem - "The White Man's Burden" explains the conquest over these beautiful indigenous people of the world. Religious conversion was quite a flagbearing event while conquering indigenous people. Religion sometimes helps to justify atrocities, in the name of the unknown - God. It was an excellent plan for mental conquest and automatically the economical and infrastructural plunder followed.There are loads of documented history on how ancient civilizations, had been converted into subjugation, changing their culture, food habits, clothing and other habits, by ridicule, by force, by laws and by religion.
Religion is also called "Faith", but to me, it isn't so. Faith would be to believe and trust. Religion on the other hand is quite opposite of faith in creation, it boasts of self righteousness and total intolerance.
If studied, interesting similarities can be drawn out of the core beliefs of all these ancient civilizations, regarding God's presence in nature, culture of dance and music, social gatherings, culture of ornamentation and clothing, harmony and respect, equality of women and men, strict punishments for thieves and robbers, etc. It can be studied that their developments were based on far more logical conclusions than the religious preaching. The jungle dwellers and tribes across the continents, still have this similarity and simplicity. They may look different but their core values are the same. The respect for "Unity in Diversity" is the same.
Why is there agitation in the name of Religion?
People focus too much on which religion is better / correct. It becomes a matter of pride and ego. Religious books sometimes seem to be like law books and order punishments for particular behaviors.. It seems like its the law of a particular land not eternally applicable. I feel, this is where the main problem is. If the religious books had focused more on eternal truths of body, mind and soul, and how to find God and peace in one's life(which can be experienced) rather than finding God after death (which no one has experienced), they would have been followed in a much better way. Atheists might not have appeared into the scene at all.
The Vedic culture / Hinduism / Buddhism / Jainism etc, isn't seen as a religion by many experts. There are no particular conducts of a person that need to be done in order to please the clergy. No conversions. No changing of names. There are farmers in south India, who are Christian, but follow Vedic practices and rituals in farming.
They do it primarily because it helps their yield. No differences. They know that these Vedic practices (Homa Farming : Youtube video) are based on nature and environment alone, some ancient science probably, but no dogma, no politics. The best part is that they never had to convert.
Here is an example of another Australian Christian family : Youtube video
So many people around the world do Yoga and Meditate in the name of Om. Did they have to convert. On the other hand some fanatics see it as a threat and something that will make their followers astray.
Here is an example : Video
This to me looks like the fear that people will be set free and none will fear them and their laws. What's the need I ask, what's the requirement of such intolerance. When the whole world adopted their culture and ways, clothes and music, what is the problem if there is a little exchange. Its quite foolish.
I as a kid, brought up in a Hindu family, Vedic at heart, was sent to a Christian missionary school. I've learnt about Jesus Christ and his life and sacrifices. My parents or the society never had a pinch of doubt or fear that I would get converted. That's the case with a lot of Hindus.
The Vedic scriptures and books, focus on soul searching and secrets to happiness in every sphere of life.
Yoga and meditation are only a few ways. Thus more and more scientific verification of Vedic knowledge is being heard of in recent times. Many modern scientists have read and respected the Vedas for its philosophy and forward approach towards finding the Truth.
Humans are naturally born looking for answers, finding their purpose, with logic, in search of love and spiritual experiences. Breeding intolerance will only make them angry and self destructive.
Use the soul to make decisions as your mind is only a reflection of others. That reflection called Religion.
Saurabh Dey (Omcultr)
TAGS : Hinduism, Hindu, Vedic, om, India, Veda, ancient, natural, Brahma, Hindusthaan, Idol, worship, Philosophy, avataar, body, consciousness, devotee, devotion, existence, hanuman, idol, images, learning, love, meditation, mind, moksha, religious, shiva, soul, tribals, vedas, vishnu, you, Diversity, Harmony, Kaali, Kali, One, Polytheism, Unity, Unity in Diversity, belief, brain, communal, communities, competition, demon, dessert, education, experiment, eyes, food, forest, goddess, happy, indigenous, karma, lakshman, lakshmi, laws, living, loving, me, nirvana, ornament, love, our, pantheism, parvati, people, powers, prosperous, ram, ravan, rebirth, reincarnation, religare, religion, sage, saint, saraswati, save, search, shakti, share, sita, society, soul, searching, still, trinity, us, we, world, worship